Untitled with Lavender Chocolate & Marshmallows

Untitled with Sprinklers

Untitled with Green Gummy Frogs

Francisco Uceda is a Brooklyn-based fine art photographer, whose work explores important slightly offsetting narratives. Born in Almeria (Andalusia), and educated in United States, Uceda earned his B.A. in anthropology and photography from Bard College and his M. Ed. from University of la Rioja. As a documentary/street photographer, Francisco embeds himself in the life of streets and avenues around the world, for 24 hours at a time, in order to capture the motions of the street, the theater of the public space, As a fine art photographer, his work in this genre has dealt with themes of inter-textuality, creating imagery that references other artistic works. His portraiture, built of layers, masks and disguise, explores topics such as the carnivalesque, identity, the “world inside out”, fragmentation, disembodiment and the subversion of the ordinary. His work has been exhibited in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany and United States.

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MECA Mediterráneo Centro Artístico

C/ Navarro Darax 11. 04003 Almería. España

M: +34 620 938 515 . M: +34 626 460 265